Carrick House

Carrick House Group is a multi-faceted consulting company which has two major operational areas; firstly, an environmental consulting firm that specialises in marine and coastal environments as well parks and tourism.

See our news and views section for more info on these areas of interest. We also host the Marine Studies and Coastal Zone Management Study Group of the Canadian Association of Geographers.

In our world one of the prime elements is water. It is vital to the planet and the oceans which represent the final terrestrial frontier. We believe that research on issues surrounding both the oceans and the global fresh water supply is going to become more important. Using a globally integrated approach to both the research and the results, is key to unlocking the secrets of a successful future for the planet.

Only when people understand the world, and where they fit in, will decision-making become less controversial. Experiencing the world is integral to this and thus parks and tourism fit into our vision; places by which we all can experience ones place the greater whole.

Using a team, integrated approach we look to all facets of our field, from primary research to decision-making as parts of a total package.

Secondly, a small business consulting and personal tax branch. Assisting with business plans, bookkeeping, GST, payroll, marketing and small business problem solving. We uphold the highest standards in our efile and personal tax preparation service which has operated since 1991.

Primary Projects:
Protected Area Strategies
Marine Parks and Protected Areas
Fisheries and Sustainability
Free Trade and the Global Environment
Interpretation Management and Practice