
Carrick House Groups Projects

The Projects:

   Protected Area Strategies
   Marine Parks and Protected Areas
   Fisheries and Sustainability
   Free Trade and theGlobal Environment



Carrick House Group Projects in Progress

Ecotourism, the internet and the global marketplace.

With all the discussion these days about a globally wired and shrinking world one must wonder what effect this is having on ecotourism and its operators and providers. This new communication revolution would seem to indicate that even the smallest, most remote ecotourism provider could have access to the global marketplace.

We plan to look at several providers in different parts of the globe and different sectors of ecotourism to test this theory and determine whether we are indeed living in a shrinking world. How have these changes impacted how these companies are structured, plan for the future and market themselves.

Protected Area Strategies – a global perspective.

Ever since the creation of Yellowstone National Park the growth of protected areas considered of importance has spread exponentially, so that now, no one finds the idea of having over 10% of a nations area laid aside as strange.

Many jurisdictions now have some form of a ‘protected area strategy’. Although definitions and means of implementation vary, there are also similarities.

The increased awareness that natural environments and bioregions do not recognise human-created boundaries should, many would argue, cause a fundamental shift in these strategies.

We will look at whether this is happening, looking at specific examples of how these changes could create significant, viable, protected spaces.

Marine Parks and Protected Areas – Strategies and Challenges.

The marine environment, being inherintly hostile to the human species, presents some uniqure challenges to those who use, study and wish to preserve its uniqueness. This environment, although not uniform in nature, covers the majority of our home world.

As we seek to try and preserve the unique and diverse areas of this world, it is only natural that we expand these efforts into the oceans.

What unique challenges and opportunities does this present? We will look at what strategies could be used to assist our global goals in this alien and hostile, and yet intriguing and fascinating environment.

Fisheries and Sustainability: Past, Present and Future.

Humanity has always used the waters of this planet as a food source; unfortunately not always with success. These were driven by a popular misconception that the fisheries were boundless. One has only to look at the South American anchovy or North Atlantic cod stocks to what this belief manifested can result in.

We must learn from our mistakes. Fisheries can be sustainable but we are going to have to be innovative and creative and think on a trans-national scale. We will look back at successes and failures, bringing us to where we are now will lead us to examine ways to make future sustainable fisheries a reality.

Free Trade and the Global Environment – Is Sustainability Symbiotic?

In all the rhetoric surrounding the economy and the environment what has been lost in all the discussions is the issue that perhaps it is all symbiotic. That a sustainable global economy and a sustainable global environment are mutually inclusive, rather than the exclusivity espoused by many.

Resolving the apparent issues will not be easy. They require looking and probably changing many of the underlying precepts on both sides of this apparent chasm. After reviewing the current situation we shall look at a globally integrated approach and a road map for the future.

The Premiers of British Columbia – the History and the Stories.

Many Canadians poke fun at British Columbia and its politics. Is history supportive of this view or not? That there have been some controversial personalities amongst the holders of that office is unargueable, but who were these people?

We will look at the personalities, who they were and how they changed the province they chose to lead. The stories and the facts. Are there any patterns or similarities and are they as strangeand eccentric and many think.

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