Governor Palin versus Washington
It was announced recently that the state of Alaska will sue over increased federal protections for Beluga whales in Cook Inlet.
The white whales were listed last year as endangered under the Endangered Species Act after federal scientists determined the whales were headed towards extinction.
The listing requires the designation of critical habitat for the whales, a recovery plan and a review of federally funded or permitted activities in Cook Inlet. The City of Anchorage is on Cook Inlet.
Gov. Sarah Palin opposed the listing decision because of the impact it could have on major Alaska development projects, including oil and gas developments and expanding the port of Anchorage.
The population of the Cook Inlet belugas has been in decline for years. Around 573 whales were counted last summer in waters of Anchorage.
The decline has been blamed on overharvesting by Alaska Native subsistence hunters before that was curtailed nearly a decade ago. It is unclear why the whales, which may have numbered as many as 1300 at their high point, have not rebounded.
Federal biologists have listed 18 potential threats to the Cook Inlet whales, including poaching, food reduction, noise caused by oil and gas drilling, and coastal construction.
San Fransisco Chronicle
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Alaska sues over Beluga Whale protection.
January 19, 2009 By Leave a Comment